NMK, GCC | Ar 3000r

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on September 5, 2015 | Marketing Team

Audio Recorder


The AR-3000R Audio Recorder is a one rack space digital audio recorder/player designed for any application requiring high fidelity pre-recorded announcements. The AR-3000R offers extensive editing, programming and recording control via its front panel. It is also the master in any multi-channel playback AR system and is used as the sync master when locking to external time code. The AR-3000R offers extensive control over all of its playback functions. It also has a microphone input for onsite message recording.
  • Applications
    Theme parks, museums, elevators, airports, buses, trains and trams are just some of the installations that can benefit from the AR-3000R's high quality, up to 260 hours of recording time. The AR-3000R has been used for educational narratives, background music, safety and warning messages, public transportation addresses, directional messages, broadcast station ID’s, news and sports intros, applause and laugh tracks, and any number of applications where instantaneous or continuous message playback is required.
  • Industry standard in sound quality and long recording times
    The AR-3000R is the industry standard in high quality sound with up to 48 kHz, 24 bit linear recording and playback. Users can select from 48kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 16 kHz and 8 kHz sampling rates. For longer recording times the AR-3000R also provides the latest Roland Digital Audio Coding (RDAC) technology, which requires less memory with virtually no loss of sound quality and up to 260 hours of recorded audio. Two Compact Flash Card slots are built into the front panel. Up to 1000 phrases can be stored on each card for a total of 2,000 available phrases and the reliability of no moving parts.
  • Multi-Channel Playback
    Using one AR-3000R as the master, multiple AR-200s can be locked together for sample-accurate playback of up to 64 tracks. Playback can also be synchronized to time code. The AR-3000R also can be operated as a stereo or an independently controlled dual mono playback device. These features offer very reliable, cost-effective and flexible ways of playing back synchronized audio.
  • Many Sophisticated Audio Functions
    The AR-3000R also offers many sophisticated audio functions such as cross-fade looping of phrases for sound effects, onboard EQ, automatic ducking, and time stretching of phrases. These functions are controllable from the AR-3000R’s front panel.
  • Automatic “Ducking” of external audio inputs make the AR series perfect for background music and messaging applications
    Rear panel line inputs can be used to combine external audio signals (like FM broadcasts or CD playback) and phrases played back on the AR-3000R. The incoming audio signal level can be automatically lowered or “ducked” during phrase playback to a user selectable level. This makes the AR a natural for any retail, theme park, message on hold, or other application requiring background music with periodic public messaging.
  • MIDI Control and Playback
    In addition to audio, the AR-3000R can record and play back MIDI phrases. MIDI data playback can be used to control other MIDI devices for lighting or show control applications. MIDI can also be used for complete playback control of the AR-3000R from a touch panel or show controller. SMF (Standard MIDI File) music data can also be played or recorded. Using SMF playback and a MIDI sound module, literally thousands of hours of music can be played back from one AR unit.
  • Free Editing and Configuration Software
    AR phrases can be edited and playlist and control functions managed from the front panel of the AR-3000R. In addition, free ARE-3000 editing software allows easy programming of internal playlists, organization of list functions, control out protocol and other phrase control functions. The ARE software will also import or export .WAV files to or from an AR-3000R for fast program assembly and editing.
  • Industry standard for reliable stereo/dual mono playback with no moving parts
    1,000's in use for many years playing back audio 24/7.
  • 24bit/48kHz audio phrases and up to 260 hours of high quality RDAC coding
    Industry leader in sound quality and long recording times.
  • Flexible External Control Functions and Sophisticated Internal Playlists
    The AR-3000R is the industry leader in flexible control options. It’s easy to configure phrase playback for any application
  • External Audio Ducks during Phrase Playback to User Selectable Level
    Great way to integrate messages with background music.
  • Phrase Features include Equalization, Time Stretching and Cross-Fade Looping
    Important features for sound effects playback in themed environments.
  • Time code sync and sample accurate playback up to 64 channels
    Reliable way to play back multi-channel audio with no moving parts. Easy to sync to video or show control.
  • MIDI File Recording and Playback
    Great for show and lighting control management
  • Free Playlist Editing and .WAV file Conversion Software
    Easy way to load an AR with computer-produced audio and configure playlists and control options.
  • Uses inexpensive Compact Flash memory cards
    Cost effective storage for hours of recording and playback time with no moving parts
  • Applications - Theme parks, all themed environments
    Reliable, no moving part playback makes for secure, problem-free installations. Crossfade looping and other advanced features are perfect for environmental sound effects.
  • Applications - Restaurants and retail establishments for messages and special announcements
    AR series ducks background music when message is played. Easy to record special messages on site.
  • Applications - Museums
    Flexible control options provide easy ways to trigger sounds.
  • Applications - Messages for satellite music delivery applications
    Automatic ducking of external audio integrates AR perfectly in background music delivery systems.
  • Applications - Phone messages on hold
    Reliable playback with no moving parts and no sound degradation over time as found in cassette-based systems. Easy to load new message files using free ARE software.

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