NMK, GCC | Buy Avidproaudio 99357273600

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Avid Pro Audio - S4–24_5 SYSTEM includes 1yr ExpertPlus with Hardware Coverage

World-class mixing for smaller studios

Get the mixing power of industry-standard Avid S6 in a more compact control surface for budget-conscious pros and smaller audio post and music facilities. Avid S4 boosts your mixing efficiency with the same award-winning workflows in a more streamlined, semi-modular surface that provides intelligent DAW control. Whether creating music, designing sound, mixing immersive audio, or teaching audio production, it's the perfect fit for any project.

For audio post
Bring the robust workflows of S6 to your smaller rooms for immersive audio mixing, sound design, ADR, and editorial. S4 provides the versatility you need to take on any project—from film, TV, and OTT media, to commercials and games.

For music
Get the creative capabilities to take on stereo and Dolby Atmos music projects. S4 is the perfect fit for smaller recording studios, independent music/audio post mixers, and smaller rooms and mastering suites in bigger music studio facilities.

For the classroom
S4 provides a more affordable solution to teach students the music and audio post-production workflows they’ll need for a successful career in the media and entertainment industry. Plus, it can be customized to support any class curriculum. 99357273600 from Avid Pro Audio is 100% original and is available at NMK Electronics. Speak to our expert for booking a live demonstration. After sales customer service is an integral part of our business ethic and is taken very seriously.

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    • Part Number: 9935-72736-00
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    Generally ships between 2 - 4 working days from order confirmation.

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